The recent boom in golf car sales has provided a great opportunity for dealers to increase their accessory sales. In addition to the right seats, wheels, or lift kit, one of the most universal and profitable add-on sales for any shop is audio. Although the market offers plenty of options, from intricate customized systems to bolt-on solutions, ECOXGEAR has quickly become an industry leader with their SoundExtreme line of soundbars, striking a winning balance of value and quality for the customer while creating a profit center for dealers.
Golf car etiquette made it onto the pages of a Florida newspaper.
The parts and accessories company now joins the global group.
Club Car has partnered with an important technology leader.
A new study highlights the sorts of injuries that occur as more children use golf cars.
ICON has been on a blessed journey these last few years and in large part due to all of you, the dealer, and your amazing customers! Along the way, we have been fortunate to hire some amazing staff members to help us grow, but together today we are experiencing a unique and complicated supply chain, generational freight challenges and to boot, a consumer market that is thirsty for more and more fun products, now!